Guiding Light
For those who are in desperate need of inspiration, this poem is for you.
This poem is for all those who’ve ever had a dream that was locked inside waiting to be free.
For all those who were waiting for miracles that were there all along, but they just couldn’t
For all those who lost their faith in the father of us all.
For all those who felt like they were trapped behind a brick wall.
For those who have been in tribulations for doing what was right.
Let this poem be your guiding light.
For those who have prayed to God to be delivered from the hell they were in.
For those who sleep on the cold streets looking for shelter from the rain, from the wind.
For those who are grieving and think they’ll never find their way.
For those who still believe that God is a deliverer who blesses America everyday.
For myself, who still knows that the one who created me will never let me fall.
For all those who constantly hope that if a good God does exist, he won’t ever leave.
For all those that STILL believe.
I say keep thriving, don’t give up, keep up the fight.
Let this poem be your guiding light.